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Marrakech Saw Unparalleled Political Will to Act on Climate

Shortly after the conclusion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech, the UN’s top climate change official Patricia Espinosa visited Norway, where she met with government and local leaders and gave a speech at the 2016 Zero Emission Conference in Oslo. Hosted by the Norwegian NGO ZERO, the conference

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Lower oil prices lead to greater cooperation on energy

The G20 nations have enjoyed the benefits arising from oil price volatility, but it’s clear that international partnerships remain a vital aspect of every nation’s energy policy The collapse of oil prices that began 18 months ago has prompted a considerable shift in the fortunes of many G20 nations and the

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On the Road to Paris – Expectations & Policy Insights for Industry Ahead of COP21

Will countries agree a global deal at the COP 21 summit in Paris? The answer is yes, however the current ambitions and plans of countries are not consistent with the international goal of avoiding global warming of more than 2°C. What we need to see in fact is an intensification of

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On the Road to Paris – Expectations & Policy Insights for Industry Ahead of COP21

Will countries agree a global deal at the COP 21 summit in Paris? The answer is yes, however the current ambitions and plans of countries are not consistent with the international goal of avoiding global warming of more than 2°C. What we need to see in fact is an intensification of

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