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Extreme Heat Event in Northern Siberia and the coastal Arctic Ocean This Week

BY METEOROLOGIST NICK HUMPHREY ON JULY 2, 2018 • ( 3 COMMENTS ) This isn’t typically what I would write about in this blog, as I typically cover threatening ocean storms. However, this has implications for the Arctic Ocean and possibly mid-latitude weather. An extreme heat event for this particular region…with high temperatures of greater than 40

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New NASA Study Solves Climate Mystery, Confirms Methane Spike Tied to Oil and Gas

Over the past few years, natural gas has become the primary fuel that America uses to generate electricity, displacing the long-time king of fossil fuels, coal. In 2019, more than a third of America's electrical supply will come from natural gas, with coal falling to a second-ranked 28 percent, the Energy Information Administration predicted this month,

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Arctic could become ice-free for first time in more than 100,000 years, claims leading scientist

Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University predicts we could see ‘an area of less than one million square kilometres for September of this year’ The Arctic is on track to be free of sea ice this year or next for the first time in more than 100,000 years, a leading scientist

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