Home > hydrofluorocarbons

World must urgently up action to cut a further 25% from predicted 2030 emissions.

- World is still heading for temperature rise of 2.9 to 3.4℃ this century, even with Paris pledges -2030 emissions will be 12 to 14 gigatonnes above levels needed to limit global warming to 2℃ - Opportunities include enhanced pre-2020 action building on Cancun pledges, cost-effective energy efficiency and stimulating action by

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Countries agree to curb powerful greenhouse gases in largest climate breakthrough since Paris

Reducing emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Kigali Amendment can prevent up to 0.5°C of global warming, while continuing to protect the ozone layer. President of the 28th Meeting of the Parties to Montreal Protocol in Kigali, Vincent Biruta of Rwanda, brings thee gavel down marking the adoption of the Kigali

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World Bank says Paris climate goals at risk from new coal schemes

Jim Yong Kim says slowing down growth in coal-fired power stations is essential in order to reduce emissions Slowing down construction of coal-fired power stations will be vital to hit globally agreed climate change goals, the World Bank president, Jim Yong Kim, said as he outlined a five-point plan to flesh

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