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A Smorgasbord of Solutions for Global Warming

Thinking about Earth Day, I did a Google search for “global warming solutions.” Up popped a slew of “what you can do” lists from leading scientific and environmental organizations. When I dug in, however, I found the suggestions rather general — “reduce emissions,” “stop deforestation,” “consume less,” “be efficient,” “eat

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Six Countries and EU Reaffirm Strong Commitment to Paris Agreement, Carbon Neutrality at G7 Summit

The leaders of the Group of 7 (G7) issued a communiqué on the 2018 G7 themes: investing in growth that works for everyone; preparing for jobs of the future; advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment; working together on climate change, oceans and clean energy; and building a more peaceful and

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Spain’s new PM signals change of tack on climate change

The new Socialist prime minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has informed Brussels about his plans to change the country’s policy on renewable energy and climate change. Sánchez has been in the post less than a week following a successful no-confidence vote against Mariano Rajoy of the Popular Party (PP). Several sources within the Spanish Socialist

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UN Secretary-General Calls for Rapidly Scaled up Climate Finance

UN Climate Change News, 15 May 2018 – UN Secretary-General António Guterres has renewed his call for governments, industry, and finance to meet the challenge of climate change through innovation, urgent action, and substantial investment. “Investments in clean, green infrastructure need to be scaled up globally. For that, we need leadership

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California, battered by global warming’s weather whiplash, is fighting to stop it

In 1988 – the same year Nasa’s James Hansen warned Congress about the threats posed by human-caused global warming – water expert Peter Gleick wrote about the wet and dry extremes that it would create for California: California will get the worst of all possible worlds – more flooding in the winter, less available water

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High-impact weather continues in April

April 2018 was the third warmest on record, continuing the trend of above-average temperatures that has persisted for most of this century, according to data from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts’ Copernicus Climate Change Service. There were also notable developments in long-term climate change indicators, including carbon dioxide levels

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Business Demonstrates Bold Action at Paris Agreement Progress Talks in Bonn

UN Climate Change News, Bonn, 2 May 2018 – Organizers of the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) taking place this September in San Francisco have today provided new evidence of how cities, states, regions, businesses and investors are taking climate ambition to the next level. In this way, they are helping to build

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