The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) notes that news articles have appeared citing a draft of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC).
The IPCC recently circulated the Second Order Draft of the report, including a first draft of the Summary for Policymakers, for Expert and Government Review. This review ran from 16 November 2018 to 11 January 2019. Draft reports are provided to reviewers as working documents. They are not intended for public distribution or to be quoted or cited for the following reasons:
- First, the text can change between the drafts and the final version once the report’s authors have carefully considered every individual review comment from experts and member governments. As with any work in progress, it is important to respect the authors and give them the time and space to finish writing before making the work public.
- Second, the Second Order Draft is based on scientific literature published or submitted for publication before the start of the review. Newly published scientific evidence can be taken into account in the Final Draft as long as it is has been accepted for publication in a journal by then. Papers submitted for publication and cited in the draft may not be used in the final draft if they have not been accepted for publication by then.
The review process helps the IPCC shape an assessment that is exhaustive, rigorous, objective and transparent. Authors of a report must address each comment received. Drafts of the report are collective works in progress that do not necessarily represent the IPCC’s final assessment of the state of knowledge. According to the IPCC rules and procedures agreed by its member governments, reports are only made available to the public after their Summary for Policymakers has been approved and the underlying report accepted. The IPCC is due to consider the Summary for Policymakers for approval at a Session in September 2019. The IPCC does not comment on draft reports while work is ongoing.
The IPCC is committed to an open, robust and transparent assessment process. In each stage of review, the Working Groups actively seek the collaboration of researchers and practitioners across a broad range of expertise. As with the normal practice of peer review, this process is designed to make the report more accurate, comprehensive and objective.
Read original release here.
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