This month, international experts will meet in Bonn, Germany, to identify policies that can support countries in accelerating the deployment of technologies for reducing greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change – from LED Lighting to climate-smart agriculture.
Once identified, the policies will be presented to governments during the UN Climate Change Conference in November this year.
During the September 12– 15 meeting of the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee, experts will develop guidance to support developing countries on different issues related to implementing climate technologies. This includes the areas of climate technology finance, industrial energy efficiency, south-south cooperation for adaptation technologies, technological innovation, and technology needs assessments.
Building on Inspiring Examples of Climate Action Around the World
One of the Committee’s key focus areas in 2017 is on how to enhance energy efficiency, with the aim of supporting countries to identify how they can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also build energy security. The committee’s work builds on inspiring examples gaining wide attention around the world.
For instance, in Guyana, the Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership recently supported a national plan to install LED street lighting as a part of “Green Town” model. As well as enhancing public lighting, the partnership also aims at supporting the government’s commitment to reach the use of 100 percent renewable energy in public institutions by 2025. Read more here.
Image: Inter Press Service / Desmond Brown
An inspiring example in the area of building resilience to climate change is an initiative in western Kenya, where Kenyan research and development organizations have partnered with rural communities to develop Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) as models of local action that ensures food security, promotes adaptation and builds resilience to climatic stresses. Read more here.
Participate in Talks via Webcast and Twitter
All stakeholders are invited to follow the live meeting webcast and contribute to the discussions via Twitter. Participants can send questions and comments during the meeting using the hashtag #climatetech. Further information on the meeting can be found here.
About the Technology Executive Committee
The UNFCCC Technology Mechanism consists of the two complementary bodies. The Technology Executive Committee is the policy arm and addresses policies issues to support countries to enhance climate technology development and transfer. The Climate Technology Centre Network is the implementation arm and responds to developing country requests for technical assistance on climate technology issues. Further information on the Technology Mechanism may be found here:
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