“What are we giving in return? We are giving the oceans a lot of plastic litter.”
EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and FisheriesOceans are the lifeblood of planet Earth and humankind. They flow over nearly three-quarters of our planet, hold 97% of the planet’s water and produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere, and absorb the most carbon from it.
Those most responsible for the state of the world’s oceans are largely the producers and consumers in the G7 countries – who account for almost 50% of global GDP – and the burgeoning middle classes elsewhere. Just thirteen companies – mainly based in G7 countries or Europe – control up to 40% of the largest and most valuable fish stocks, according to recent research from the Stockholm Resilience Centre.
The huge extent of plastic pollution is putting oceans and marine life under increasing pressure, which could have catastrophic events for life on land if problems continue unchecked.
For these reasons, Canada plans to use its presidency of the G7 this year to push fellow member countries to help stop the oceans from becoming massive rubbish heaps.
The Trump administration, normally averse to endorsing climate-related initiatives, has given the green light to developing the theme in the pre-summit meetings during the first half of 2018.
That’s because the conversations will focus on how to preserve and bolster coastal areas that have been devastated by natural disasters, or face major threats in the future.
In terms of more recent events, Prime Minister Trudeau, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, hosted a roundtable discussion Wednesday on ocean protection with academics, political representatives and executives from multinationals including Coca-Cola and Unilever. His Environment Minister, Catherine McKenna, said the G7’s Agenda on Ocean Protection could include creating a “plastics charter or a zero waste goal.”
CCTNE, distributed through official channels, will be supporting this year’s G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec. As part of our purpose in creating meaningful engagement between key stakeholders, we would welcome relevant industry solution providers to contribute thought leadership to this critical, strategic area.
To discuss the possibility of your company’s written advocacy contribution, as per this recent example, please contact:
James D. Butler
Business Development Director
World News – Climate Change – The New Economy Ltd (CCTNE)
Main office – 75, Albany Mansions, London, SW11 4PQ
Mobile: +44 7432 740 836
About CCTNE:
* Since 2008, CCTNE – ‘Climate Change the New Economy’ has promoted independent and informed discussion on issues related to climate change and sustainable development, through high quality publications aimed at political business leaders and opinion formers. CCTNE is the only publication focussed on this crucial subject matter present at the G7 Summits. Our purpose & value are two-fold: 1) to deliver effective thought-leadership through our proven advocacy platform 2) ensure as wide a reach as possible via our unique, extensive global distribution ‘hard-copy’ network & associated on-line platforms.
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