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Resource Efficiency – Call for Advocacies


During the past 30 years our planet has been subject to an enormous amount of raw material consumption. In terms of where we stand today, 20 percent of the global population consumes 80 percent of the extracted minerals and metals.

Natural resources, especially raw materials, are essential factors of production and fundamental for value creation. Resource efficiency is therefore a key issue for competitive businesses and securing jobs in the future. Analysis by the International Resource Panel shows that effective policies to improve resource efficiency and tackle climate change can reduce global resource extraction by up to 28 per cent and cut global greenhouse gas emissions by around 60 per cent by 2050 while also boosting the growth of the world economy by 1 per cent.

Neither the 2°C climate target nor the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved without a complete turnaround in resource use patterns. Only closer international cooperation in the field of resource efficiency and a rapid global sharing of best approaches to solutions can stave off planetary disaster.

For these reasons Resource Efficiency has been a key agenda topic for the G7, these past several years. Since its creation at the 2015 Summit, the G7 Alliance for Resource Efficiency has called for more efforts from the economic sector and society as a whole.

The alliance is to serve as a permanent forum for the exchange of best practices between the G7 and stakeholders from industry, research and the public. Future G7 Presidencies will organise workshops on different topics of resource efficiency every year, ensuring that the topic will stay on the agenda.

*CCTNE, distributed through official channels, will be supporting this year’s COP24 Summit in Katowice, Poland. As part of our purpose in creating meaningful engagement between key stakeholders, we would welcome relevant industry solution providers to contribute thought leadership to this critical, strategic area.

To discuss the possibility of your company’s written advocacy contribution, as per this recent example, please contact:

James D. Butler
Business Development Director

World News – Climate Change – The New Economy Ltd (CCTNE)

Main office – 75, Albany Mansions, London, SW11 4PQ

Mobile: +44 7432 740 836



About CCTNE:

* Since 2008, CCTNE – ‘Climate Change the New Economy’ has promoted independent and informed discussion on issues related to climate change and sustainable development, through high quality publications aimed at political business leaders and opinion formers.. Our purpose & value are two-fold: 1) to deliver effective thought-leadership through our proven advocacy platform 2) ensure as wide a reach as possible via our unique, extensive global distribution ‘hard-copy’ network & associated on-line platforms.