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Broad Support for Global Climate Action – Champions Release Report on Consultations


The high level climate champions, Ms. Laurence Tubiana, French Ambassador for Climate Change and Ms. Hakima El Haite, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment of Morocco, in charge of the Environment, have prepared a synthesis report on the submissions received in response to the invitation they published with their road map for global climate action.

Based on the submissions received and on their further interactions with Parties and non-Party stakeholders, the high level champions are finalizing their plans for the Conference of the Parties that will be held in Marrakech (COP 22) and for the work that has been entrusted to them by the Parties in the years ahead.

The champions will release a scenario note in advance of the COP providing detailed information on their vision for the COP and on their future work.

At COP 22 a series of events will be held aiming to provide an opportunity for Parties and non-Party stakeholders to discuss relevant climate action topics, focusing on how non-Party stakeholders can contribute towards the aims of the Paris Agreement. In addition, a high level event to enhance climate action will be convened on the 17th of November.